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The cardiac cycle is a term referring to all or any of the events related to the flow or blood pressure that occurs from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next. The frequency of the cardiac cycle is described by the heart rate.
Each beat of the heart involves five major stages. The first two
stages, often considered together as the "ventricular filling" stage,
involve the movement of blood from atria into ventricles. The next three
stages involve the movement of blood from the ventricles to the
pulmonary artery (in the case of the right ventricle) and the aorta (in
the case of the left ventricle). The first, "early diastole," is when the semilunar valves close, the atrioventricular (AV) valves are open, and the whole heart is relaxed. The second, "atrial systole,"
is when the atrium contracts, and blood flows from atrium to the
ventricle. The third, "isovolumic ventricular contraction," is when the
ventricles begin to contract, the AV and semilunar valves close, and
there is no change in volume. The fourth, "ventricular ejection," is
when the ventricles are empty and contracting, and the semilunar valves
are open. During the fifth stage, "Isovolumic ventricular relaxation,"
pressure decreases, no blood enters the ventricles, the ventricles stop
contracting and begin to relax, and the semilunar valves close due to
the pressure of blood in the aorta. Throughout the cardiac cycle, blood pressure
increases and decreases. The cardiac cycle is coordinated by a series
of electrical impulses that are produced by specialized heart cells
found within the sinoatrial node and the atrioventricular node. The cardiac muscle is composed of myocytes
which initiate their own contraction without help of external nerves
(with the exception of modifying the heart rate due to metabolic
demand). Under normal circumstances, each cycle takes approximately one
Space is the boundless, three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction. Physical space is often conceived in three linear dimensions, although modern physicists usually consider it, with time, to be part of a boundless four-dimensional continuum known as space time. In mathematics,"spaces" are examined with different numbers of dimensions and with different underlying structures. The concept of space is considered to be of fundamental importance to an understanding of the physical universe. However, disagreement continues between philosophers over whether it is itself an entity, a relationship between entities, or part of a conceptual framework.
Debates concerning the nature, essence and the mode of existence of space date back to antiquity; namely, to treatises like the Timaeus of Plato, or Socrates in his reflections on what the Greeks called khora , or in the Physics of Aristotle in the definition of topos, or even in the later "geometrical conception of place" as "space qua extension" in the Discourse on Place of the 11th century Arab polymath Alhazen.
Many of these classical philosophical questions were discussed in the Renaissance and then reformulated in the 17th century, particularly during the early development of classical mechanics. In Isaac Newton's view, space was absolute - in the sense that it existed permanently and independently of whether there were any matter in the space. Other natural philosophers, notably Gottfried Leibniz, thought instead that space was a collection of relations between objects, given by their distance and direction from one another. In the 18th century, the philosopher and theologian George Berkeley attempted to refute the "visibility of spatial depth" in his Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision. Later, the metaphysician Immanuel Kant said neither space nor time can be empirically perceived, they are elements of a systematic framework that humans use to structure all experiences. Kant referred to "space" in his Critique of Pure Reason as being: a subjective "pure a priori form of intuition", hence it is an unavoidable contribution of our human faculties.